January 4, 2011

The Expendables

Dear Sylvester Stallone,
I know your trying to bring back the action film, and I understand you want to be the #1 action hero, but really? What "The Expendables" really needed was more Bruce Willis and according to a certain fan more of Arnold too. Thank God Jason Statham was the second lead, he was worth watching, but I'm not going to lie I fell asleep shortly after there was no more Bruce. I thought it was nice to see Mickey Rourke as the tattoo artist, and great choice in having Eric Roberts as the bad guy. Actually you can never go wrong with Eric Roberts.
So sadly, unless they redo this movie and throw at least 75% more BWT (Bruce Willis Time) in there I can't go higher than an 3 out of 10. Hey this is just this Ingènue's input.

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